July 28, 2021

Cholesterol: More to the Story

When did you last have your lipids checked?  Was your LDL (“bad” cholesterol) greater than 100 mg/dL, or your triglycerides elevated with a low HDL (“good” cholesterol)?

Maybe you eat a poor diet, struggle with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, or insulin resistance, eat excessive amounts of sugar, lack physical activity, use tobacco, or have underlying nutrient deficiencies.  Perhaps your LDL is elevated even in the setting of a nutritious diet and robust exercise regimen, in which case genetics may be involved.

If you struggle with lipids and cholesterol, there are advanced tests that can offer more information as to the severity and likelihood of atherosclerotic disease.

For example, the size of our LDL particles has an effect.  It is desirable to have larger, more buoyant LDL cholesterol particles in the bloodstream, also known as “pattern A.”  Smaller, denser LDL particles, called “pattern B,” are more atherogenic, as they are more prone to oxidation, which causes damage to cells. Similarly, having an elevated number of particles can be detrimental, as this scenario can make it easier for the cholesterol to invade arterial walls.  Damage in our blood vessels, therefore, leads to buildup of cholesterol plaques and poses a greater risk for cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke.

Advanced lipid testing can give greater insight into your risk factors and allows for better targeted treatment, be it pharmaceutical or natural supportive therapies.  This test may be right for you if you suffer from unexplained or rapidly progressing coronary heart disease, have a strong family history of this condition, if your lipid values are resistant to statin drugs, or if you have confirmed familial hypercholesterolemia.

Naturopathic treatment will, as always, begin with establishing the fundamentals of health.   Optimizing nutrition and digestion, physical activity, stress management, and adjusting damaging habits are key foundations in addressing all conditions.  Whether you take a statin drug or have not yet reached this juncture, supportive measures are available and can be of great benefit.