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Naturally better health.

Natural Medicine Research & Education

Educational Content

Holistic Research & Education

Educational Content


Avid researcher & writer with a passion for educating others on natural medicine & nutrition.

Meet Dr. Daglis

How can a naturopathic doctor help to improve your overall health?

Naturopathic doctors devote time to learning about each patient as an individual by delving not only into their medical and family history, but also considering social, emotional, habitual, and spiritual factors. By assessing all influences in one’s life using a whole-body approach to care, the physician may provide a personalized plan targeting areas that necessitate change or improvement, thereby permitting wellness to thrive.

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Meet Sarah Daglis, Naturopathic Doctor

Avid researcher & writer with a passion for educating others on natural medicine & nutrition.

Meet Dr. Daglis

6 naturopathic principles

Naturopathic doctors adhere to the six naturopathic principles, a set of values applied to each case in medical practice:

First, do no harm

primum non nocere

This means utilizing the least invasive, least toxic therapies, and only progressing to more intense treatments as is needed. The benefits of advancing must outweigh the detriment. Further, referrals will be made when the patient’s presentation lies outside of the practitioner’s skill set or scope of practice.

The healing power of nature

vis medicatrix naturae

The belief that, as beings of nature, the body possesses an inherent ability to heal itself. Given the appropriate conditions, proper fuel, and appropriate support for systems in disarray, these self-healing mechanisms may be encouraged.

Identify and treat the cause

tolle causam

Naturopathic doctors seek to identify the root cause of disease. Although conventional treatment methods and suppression of symptoms may be required in some cases, it is our goal to address the origin by removing obstacles to cure and supporting affected pathways to function properly.

Doctor as teacher


It is imperative for patients to understand their particular condition as well as what a healthy lifestyle entails. Thorough explanations are provided to help individuals better understand their state of health and how they may achieve and sustain wellness.

Treat the whole person

tolle totum

Naturopathic doctors identify the human form as a complex working system. Rather than merely targeting a symptom, a single manifestation of disease, it is vital to evaluate the body as an interconnected structure in which all systems function together. Each individual differs physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and genetically, and exist in diverse environmental and social domains. Therefore, all elements must be considered on a personalized level. Only then can a healthy balance be restored.



The ideal means of evading disease involves living well and sustaining the fundamentals of health in our everyday lives. Naturopathic doctors emphasize the significance of preventative measures, while accounting for individual predispositions, both intrinsic and lifestyle induced.

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