March 24, 2021

Pollen, grass, weeds, oh my!

Allergy season is upon us.  Some of you will be reminded, if not already, with the sneezes, coughs, runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, and that widespread, irritating itchiness that plagues you year after year.  AH-CHOO!

Do the frustrations of antihistamine drowsiness and over-stimulating effects of decongestants and steroids get you down?

There are many ways to prevent and mitigate allergies using mother nature’s gracious gifts.

What if I told you that nutrition, lifestyle, vitamins, minerals, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, manipulation therapy, and physiotherapy were all viable natural options in allergy control?

Good ol’ vitamin C, for instance, is a natural antihistamine, and of course, plays a vital role in immune system wellness.

If you’re a tea drinker, you may find relief in regularly swigging stinging nettles, an anti-inflammatory, allergy-modulating herbal tea.

Book an appointment today to learn more about how to control your seasonal allergies and live more comfortably in the peak seasons.