September 10, 2021

Sugar comes in many forms…

Did you know that “sugar” does not only imply those irresistible treats that we call “sweets?”  Although ice cream, cookies, candies, cakes and pies are most profoundly loaded with added sugars, insulin-spiking chow comes in many forms.

The body reacts similarly to high carbohydrate, low fiber foods such as white pastas, rice, breads, potatoes, and many cereals.

This also goes for fruits, which are not all created equal, and packaged “health foods,” such as protein bars, which are often not what they seem.

When simple sugars are avoided for a substantial period of time and replaced with nutrient-dense, quality foods, sugar cravings will reduce.  It is the initial discipline of avoidance that can be quite challenging for many.

Alternatives to consider for balanced blood sugars and sustained satiation: Whole grains (steel-cut oats, brown rice, barley, quinoa, millet, teff, other ancient grains), nuts, and seeds.

Quick tip: Adding 1-2 tablespoons of ground flax into the diet daily (in oatmeal, a smoothie, a meal, or even a glass of water) has a variety of benefits, including added fiber, regulating bowel movements, supporting cholesterol, and even supporting hormone detox!

Carbohydrates— It’s all about the fiber, nutrient profile, portion size, and ~balance~ in our everyday lives.