March 11, 2021

The Onion: Allium cepa

Supporting our immune system is of utmost importance, especially now.  One of the simplest ways to optimize immunity is with a consistent, nutrient-rich diet.

Amongst my favorite foods and medicinal herbs, the onion, Allium cepa, epitomizes wellness in its most palatable state.  Inhabiting soils with its bulbous kinfolk– garlic, chives, shallots, leeks, and scallions– the onion and its relatives offer a wealth of benefits for their human consumers.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, pre-biotics, and antioxidants, these nutrient-dense layered spheres, when eaten regularly, support immunity, metabolism, digestion, heart health, blood sugar balance, and have been shown to reduce inflammation and risk of chronic disease.

Packed with vitamin C, zinc, selenium, quercetin, and the detoxifying sulfur compounds responsible for bestowing that pungent after-breath, onions contain just the right nutrients for battling viruses and mitigating allergies as we move into the Spring season.

They’re a delightful addition to almost any meal, so load up on these smelly tear-jerkers to reap their many benefits!